Updates on Cancellations and Cathedral Policies
March 15, 2020
Following the lead of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, the Cathedral of St. Thomas More will cancel all non-liturgical events beginning Friday, March 13.
The parish will evaluate cancellation of these events on a week-to-week basis and announce updates accordingly.
All liturgical events, including daily and Sunday Mass, Confessions, Eucharistic Adoration, Stations of the Cross, and baptisms will take place at their regularly scheduled time.
All other events are canceled including:
- Religious education programs for children, youth, and adults
- Prayer Groups, Legion of Mary
- Lenten Suppers
- Pancake Breakfast
- High School and Middle School Youth Groups
- Bible Studies
- Scouting Groups
- Arts and Crafts
The parish office will remain open 9:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Friday.
We will continue to monitor all situations and update schedules and information as quickly as possible. Please check this website, Facebook and social media for up to date information.
We continue to ask parishioners to:
- refrain from attending Mass if you are sick, especially if you have flu-like symptoms (click HERE for info about televised Mass)
- read: Bishop Burbidge has granted dispensation from Sunday Mass for members of the community who are most vulnerable to the effects of coronavirus, and their caregivers.
- refrain from shaking hands at the Sign of Peace
The Cathedral will continue to:
- require Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to use hand sanitizer before and after the distribution of Communion
- empty holy water fonts
- continue all cleaning and disinfecting protocols
We continue to pray for all those affected by illness and disease, and for all the medical and professional teams working to protect and care for others.