Important Update from Our Rector – March 16
“Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord, your God,
is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
March 16, 2020
My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Given recent directives banning gatherings of more than 10 people from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Bishop Burbidge has made the difficult decision to suspend public Masses for 8 weeks. Listen to his statement here:
I understand this increases the anxiety already felt among our parishioners. The communal celebration of the Eucharist is THE most important aspect of our faith; it is central to who we are as Catholics. It is even more distressing that we take these measures during Lent, when we call people home, when we seek to bind hearts and souls. Especially now, we need to remember:
“What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril…? For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things … will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus…” (Romans 8: 35, 38-39)
I ask for your patience and understanding as the following is in effect:
- There will be no public Masses celebrated at The Cathedral; however, we will be open for
private prayer - Confessions continue; but please use the bench instead of the kneeler to adhere to CDC guidelines
- Stations of the Cross are canceled
- STM School is closed until April 20
- The Religious education Program is cancelled from March 18 to April 21
- The RCIA program is canceled tonight and will operate virtually via Zoom for the time being
- The Cathedral Rectory Office remains open at this time
My brother priests and I are committed to serving you pastorally; this commitment will not waver during these trying days. We will:
- Live Stream the 12:05pm Daily Mass and the 5:30pm Vigil, 9:30am and 5:00pm Sunday Masses. The priests will celebrate the remaining Masses in their Chapel. All intentions will be honored.
- Continue Sick Calls. Our priests observe CDC recommended protocol regarding hand washing and social distancing
- Join together in a virtual communal prayer chain with our new Partners in Prayer program
Read here for information: - Provide updates via all usual communication platforms (website, email, and social media)
- Ask that any Mass requests are made via email
This is unprecedented event. But, our parish is strong; our faith is strong. We are united by more than the bricks and mortar of our Cathedral; we are bound together by the love of Our Father, the mercy of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Together, with God’s help, we will come through these days. Know of my prayers for you and your families. I ask you to remember our Bishop, my brother priests and me.
God Bless you and keep you safe
~ Fr. Posey