In August 2024, we began transitioning to a new parish database system. We encourage each household to create a unique mySTM account that will allow you to see your parish registration. Over the next few weeks, we will be adding the ability to download your contribution statements and register for events.
1. Click the link to LOGIN to sign up, you will then be prompted to CREATE AN ACCOUNT.
2. Enter your First & Last Name, Email Address (required), and Cell Phone (optional, but helps connect your account).
3. It will then prompt you to “Send Code” to your email to verify your account.
4. Check your Email and click the “Finish Account Setup” Button.
5. Create your password (at least 8 characters, mix of upper and lowercase, a number, and a special character).
6. You will need to log in again and your personal information will display on the screen.
7. Review and update your information as necessary.
3901 Cathedral Lane
Arlington, Virginia 22203
(703) 525-1300