Ministry Fair – Get Involved at the Cathedral
September 17, 2021
My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
We have learned many things during this time of pandemic, among them is our need for connectedness, with each other and with our God. Returning to our spiritual home, in person, reminds us that “[t]he parish is not an outdated institution; precisely because it possesses great flexibility … it continues to be the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters.” Pope Francis
With creativity and love of the Lord, we have proven over the decades that our parish is more than a building, showing flexibility and creativity since our founding in 1944. We are community of faith where are all welcomed and the graces given to each are manifested in the various ministries we offer.
I invite you to read through the descriptions within this booklet. As at our Eucharistic Table, there is room for everyone in our ministries. From liturgical service, to Bible Studies, to outreach, to social gatherings, you will find a place for your talents.
Consider this letter my personal invitation to you. Come, find faith; find fellowship; find fulfillment in volunteering. Put More into your life.
In Christ,
Very Rev. Patrick L. Posey, V.F.
Here is a copy of the Ministry Fair booklet that will be handed out.
Ministry Fair 2021