Respect Life
Respect Life Ministry in Need of Volunteers
Gabriel Project is a pro-life apostolate of the Diocese of Arlington to help pregnant women in need of assistance. Last year, our parish helped three women and their newborns. Here is Sebastian, one of the precious babies born last year. When we delivered the baby gifts from our parish, prayed with the mom, and accompanied her to other centers for resources, she was touched and had tears in thanksgiving to God and for generosity of people like you. She asked, “How is this possible?”
Volunteering with Gabriel Project is an enriching experience as you become the hands and feet of Jesus. You are truly making a difference in someone’s life under difficult times. Please let us know if you would like to join in this effort.
- Diaper Drive: This August-September, we are collecting diapers and baby wipes for the moms whom our parish are helping. Help us fill the crib with these baby necessities!
- Peer companions: “Angels” offer emotional and spiritual support as they walk along with expectant moms. Training and resources are provided.
- Pray: Most importantly, please pray for the Gabriel Project and Respect Life ministry.
Contact May Respicio at for more information.