Mass, Confession, Devotionals
Sunday Masses
- Vigil Mass – 4:30 PM
- 7:00 AM
- 9:00 AM
- 11:00 AM (with Cathedral Choir)
- 12:30 PM (Spanish)
- 5:30 PM
Weekday Masses
- Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM, and 12:05 PM
- Monday and Wednesday: 5:15 PM
- Tuesday: 7:00 PM (in Spanish)
- Saturday Mass: 9:00 AM
Holy Day and Holiday Masses
Please see the bulletin or the parish calendar.
Evening Prayer and Benediction
Thursday evening 7:00 PM in Burke Hall
Rosary: Monday through Friday at 11:40 AM
Divine Mercy Chaplet: Monday through Friday 12:40 PM
Adoration: Thursday from 12:45 – 7:00 PM
Sacrament of Penance / Confession
- Tuesday: 7:30 – 8:30 PM (in Spanish)
- Thursday: 6:00 to 7:00 PM
- Saturday: 3:00 to 4:00 PM (in English and Spanish)
and by Appointment
Updated: September 2024