The Cathedral of Saint Thomas More News:

Cub Scouts

Cub Scout Pack 194 is chartered by the Cathedral of St. Thomas More and has been active since 1989. The charter is granted by Boy Scouts of America. Membership is open to boys in grades 1-5 who are students at the Cathedral’s school or members of the parish, and boys may join Pack 194 in any year. New Scouts usually register at the beginning of the school year.

Cub Scouting aims to foster interaction between parents and their sons. The family-centered activities of Pack 194 include camping, hiking, outdoor skills, arts and crafts, making race cars for the Pinewood Derby, discussing faith and values, and serving the community. Scouts are encouraged to earn religious emblems and attend fall and spring Scouting masses at the Cathedral. Siblings are often welcome at Pack 194 events, and parents say they enjoy having this organized quality time with their children.


Scouts typically meet about once a month during the summer and four times a month during the school year.  This includes one or two events per month with the whole pack (all grades 1-5), and two meetings or outings with their dens (just their grade level). Each den schedules den meetings based on the preference of the parents.

Pack meetings and campfires are held one Friday evening each month from 6:45-8:00 pm. Pack events like camping, hiking and community service projects are held on Saturdays and Sundays. Many Scouts also participate in sports and we do our best to work around scheduling conflicts. Recognition for accomplishments is a big part of Cub Scouts.  At den meetings, boys work toward ranks, badges, patches, belt loops and other awards.  These awards are presented to Scouts at pack meetings where everyone can applaud their progress.

To learn more about Cub Scouts in general, please visit: