Volunteers Needed
Do you love your Catholic faith? Are you able to work with children? Are you willing to dedicate a few hours each week to their faith formation? If so, please prayerfully consider one of the following positions:
Catechists: Teach and witness the Catholic Faith during the Classroom Sessions.
- All catechist positions will be supported with resources and training from the Religious Education staff.
Aides: Assists the Catechist with attendance, classroom activities, homework, prayers, and student discipline.
High School Aides: High School students who help with classroom activities such as quizzing students on required prayers, preparing and setting up the classroom for activities, and supporting the catechist in teaching the lessons.
Program Helpers: Adults who support the program by monitoring the doors, escorting late-arriving children to class, patrolling the hallways during class for safety, and serving in any non-teaching capacity.
Substitutes: Volunteers who are willing to be called on an as needed basis to serve as a catechist or Aide.
All Religious Education volunteers must become compliant with the Diocese of Arlington Child Protection Policy, to include a background check and VIRTUS seminar.
VIRTUS a hyperlink: https://www.arlingtondiocese.org/child-protection/virtus/
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Parish office at 703-525-1300.
Apply to be a Catechist
Teach and witness the Catholic Faith during the Classroom Sessions