Holy Week and Easter Services Sign Up
March 5, 2021
Thank you for your interest in registering to attend Holy Week Masses and Easter Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More. The schedule is as follows:
Palm Sunday
Saturday, March 27
5:30 pm Vigil Mass
Sunday, March 28, 2021
7:00 am
9:30 am
12:45 pm Spanish
7:30 pm
Holy Thursday
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Mass of the Last Supper – Bilingual
Good Friday
Friday, April 2, 2021
Passion of the Lord – Bilingual
3:00 pm
Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Easter Vigil – Bilingual
Sunday, April 4, 2021
7:00 am
9:30 am
12:45 pm Spanish
Reserve Your Seat(s) Here
If you have registered and your plans have changed, please go online, and cancel your reservation to open a space for someone else who may want to attend. If you have difficulty in cancelling your reservation, contact Tara Quaadman at tquaadman@cathedralstm.org for assistance.
To ensure the health and safety off all in attendance, please respect the following guidelines:
• Out of concern for others, masks are required of all Mass attendees over the age of 5. Masks are encouraged for children ages 2 – 4. If you do not have a mask, please ask an usher for assistance.
• Maintain social distancing protocols of 6-ft separation while entering, sitting, and exiting the Cathedral.
Entering the Cathedral
Entrance for Mass will be through the front doors of the Cathedral (near the statue of Christ the Redeemer) so that we can check you and your group in. The side doors will be for exiting only after Mass has ended. It is important that everyone with a seat reservation arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled Mass start time.
Families and those living in the same household can sit together (max 7 people per pew- note signs). Pews not available for seating will be marked accordingly with signage.
Please use the hand sanitizer at the entrance.
Music sheets are available at the entrance.
During Mass
Maintain social distancing protocols of 6-ft separation as you come forward to receive Holy Communion.
We encourage you to receive the Eucharist in your hands rather than on the tongue. We understand that this is a very personal decision, and do not make this request lightly.
After you have received the Eucharist in your hands, please step to the side, lower your mask and consume the host.
After Mass
Please stay in your pew after Mass is over and wait for the ushers to direct you to exit so that we can maintain social distance.
Please dispose of your Music Program in the trashcan as you exit the Cathedral. They will not be reused.
Safety Reminders
As you make plans, we ask that you please do your part in keeping everyone safe by:
Staying home and cancelling your plans to attend Mass if you or anyone in your group or household that day is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or within 14 days prior or has been in close contact with someone who has the virus or has received a positive test for the virus and not completed the required quarantine period.
We look forward to celebrating the Resurrection of the Lord with you and your families!