Join Us for a Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC
September 27, 2021
This Saturday, many from the diocese will attend the Marian Pilgrimage at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Below are some important items to keep in mind
Please park in the lower lot (see map below) and walk up the hill to the Shrine. The Shrine will parking assistance. The address of the Shrine is 400 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC 20017
As you are looking at the front of the Shrine, everybody will be entering through the ground-level door to the right. Once inside, you will find the restrooms, information desk, the stairs to the Great Upper Church and the elevator. Volunteers will be distributing worship aids to each pilgrim and “Seek and Find” booklets to families. The worship aid contains a map to all of the chapels and a schedule of the day.
Please be seated in the Great Upper Church by 9:30 a.m. for the opening remarks and rosary.
At 10:00am the family “Seek & Find” activity will begin. There will be docents (guides) in each of the five “Seek and Find” chapels answering questions. The activity is designed for families, but all are welcomed to participate.
At 10:00am Confessions will begin downstairs in the Crypt level in multiple languages. There will be 20+ priests. Seminarians will be there to assist with directions.
At 10:30am there will be a Holy Hour including spiritual reflection (by Fr. Jack Riley) in the Great Upper Church
At 11:30am there will be a Young Adult Talk (by Fr. Joe Rampino) downstairs in Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel. All are welcomed to attend, but please give first priority in the chapel to young adults.
If you would like to order a Chick-fil-A meal, please go out the East side of the Shrine onto the lawn of Catholic University beginning at 11:30am; you will see the lunch sales area there. We are only accepting Cash. $10 per meal. If meals run out, there are other local restaurants within walking distance.
You can eat at your vehicle, in the cafeteria, downstairs in Memorial Hall, on the front steps, etc. Be mindful of the Eucharistic fast and be finished eating by 1pm.
At 1:00pm there will be an Eucharistic Reflection by Fr. Stephen Vaccaro in the Great Upper Church.
At 1:30pm Mass with Bishop Burbidge will begin.
At 2:30pm Bishop will bless any Religious Articles which are purchased or brought to the Shrine.
Depart and walk down the hill to your vehicle. There will be a few volunteers with wheel chairs to assist people who may need help.
Students from Bishop O’Connell, Bishop Ireton, Paul VI, or John Paul II the Great attending the pilgrimage, please email Kevin Bohli We would like them to come in uniform to bring forward the gifts at Mass.
There is no plan for parishes or groups to bring banners to the pilgrimage this year. Please do not bring them this year.
Any questions? Please contact Kevin Bohli know.
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